Data management and interaction imple mouse clicks away.
It allows you to work and manipulate a huge amount of data in a fully customizable way.
Our databases are preconfigured to allow you to use a huge array of different data including your existing data, as well as new data you acquire from your clients in real time. You can customize and select which data you want DMIS to use and exclude any unnecessary or confidential data. Including more data in the software will grant your more possibilities and options to improve your business results.
DMIS takes any amount of different data and pieces it together into something usable, providing you simplicity in work with all that information, allowing everyone to efficiently use this software, no matter of their technical knowledge and background.
We recognized a need for different staff permission levels so we implemented agents. It allows you to create multiple groups of agents that will use the app based on their position and permission level or add them extra permissions for a specific project.
For example, you need SUPPORT and FINANCE agent types. They work with different data and have access and manipulate different information. You can create different types of agents with DMIS and give each type of agent only the information and data they need. When creating a specific agent account, you will simply choose which type of agent that account will be and that‘s it. That agent will see only the data you pre–set that agent type to be able to see and work with.
Customizable views are complementary to customizable agents and give you even more options for setting up individualized agent accounts. You can create different views, showing different information and connect those views to any of the agent types or a specific agent.
What makes this app unique are Tags. Once you setup all the data you want to use and share with the DMIS, you will be able to create your own, fully customizable Tags.
For example, you create a tag and name it XY.
You set the parameters – add a tag when YY reaches ZZ in GG amount of time.
What app does is it automatically adds (and removes, if you create add/remove tag) all the tags you create across all your customers. It is an amazing filtration tool allowing you real–time customer segmentation using tags. You can ask the app to show you all clients with XX, YY and ZZ tag or any other tag or tag combination you might need. Tagging system allows everyone to efficiently work with huge amounts of raw data.
In addition to Tags we have created customizable notifications. They are set up similar to Tags. You create them with any parameters you want and system adds a notification, the same way it would add a tag; once your client meets the criteria you‘ve set. The difference is that, while tags are primarily used for filtration of your clients, notifications are more of an agent response needed kind of tool.
You could say that tag is more of a segmentation tool, while a notification is something that needs your agent‘s attention right away. When something you predetermined happens, notification will pop, notifying your agents and requiring their response, therefore almost eliminating the room for human errors, as they won‘t have to extrapolate anything from the data. When notification pops it not only lets agents know they need to do something, but what to do exactly as well.
You will be able to fully customize your actions as well. This means you will be able to set up mouse and keyboard button shortcuts to perform specific actions you choose.
To sum up, you will be able to manipulate all the data in a fully customizable and responsive way, therefore allowing your particular needs and the needs of your business to be served to the maximum extension. You will never miss out on a chance to offer your client exactly what they need, even if they still don‘t know they need it. Fully optimized, software will maximize your profit with the same traffic flow, saving time, effort and human resources while increasing lifelong retention of customers. This is our app. This is the ultimate Data Management and Interaction Software.